
Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah BLAH!

I am just gonna put this out there. You know how the political campaigns all add up to a lot of hot air and self promoting?  Well sometimes I read back over my blogs and I think, you know what this is, this is me trying to change my world with words. 

Don't get me wrong, my intentions are real, true, honest and good.  And I love the written word.  I love how a thought can become a word, and a series of words an idea, then a story and it can change a mood, inspire, teach, remind and exercise all its creative power.  But I was reading some of my past blogs today and it all just started running together and feeling like a lot of words without an action to back them up or a an action so thin, it hardly holds up.

It almost makes me mad.  Then I remember.  Life is hard.  Weight loss is hard.  Body breakdowns are extra challenges and mostly, it does no good to live in the land of regret. 

Blogging does one really great thing for me.  It forces me to look at the thoughts and feelings I am having and clearly see if my actions are matching up.  Talk about your accountability checks and balances.

I also revisited a blog of a blog friend today.  She hasn't written in about six months but I still go back and read her stuff, why?  Because she did it.  She lost the weight, she got healthier, she kicked some ass and she is no nonsense about the whole thing. 

This is me, trying desperately to draw a line in the sand and say, enough talk, take action. Be real. Stick to it and do it.  Tired of talking about getting healthy.  Just want to do, do, do IT!

That's all ~ thanks y'all

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