
Watcha Gonna Be? Annual or Perennial?

Yesterday I cut down all my annual herb, basil.  Freeze warning tonight and these lovely end of season basil leaves would have died. It broke my heart to cut them.  It signals the end of summer and the reality of fall, which for those of us closer to the east coast than the west, means anything can happen.  Fall is just an open door for winter to sneak in and as Emeril would say "Ba-am".

No more sitting on the patio soaking in the warmth, no more easy walks in 70 degree days, no more fresh basil - until next year. It was a sad day, the great outdoors are one of the things that have helped me fight off depression in this huge life move we have taken on. I was really bummed. 

This morning I stepped outside to check the weather and I reflected on the revised herb garden and had an "AH-HA" moment. While my annuals may be gone until spring, my perennials will survive and some will even thrive through the harshest of winter weather.

And I thought, perennial or annual which would I rather be?  Am I going to be a fair weather health nut and only thrive if the conditions are perfect?  Wow!  What an epiphany!! Times may get tough, and life teaches us they will, but how I respond to the hard times, the bitter cold, the blistering heat, determines the character of who I really am!  The annual is beautiful with its bright color and fresh aroma but the perennial is beautiful in its endurance, perseverance and its long distance performance!  I'm gonna have to go with PERENNIAL!

The holly bush out front with its red berries and thick cover will sustain the birds as will the bird feeder we put in the now leafless tulip tree!

The point of that being - not only does a perennial thrive, it stays strong and helps others survive the winter! In our effort to help others we help ourselves. That is the joy of being a perennial.  Wow.  I'm so wanting to be that person.  As a final note today, here are some photos of the hearty paleo lunch I created for myself using the fresh basil I cultivated yesterday.

Roasted tomatoes, garlic and eggplant

Pan fried chicken sausage with roasted garlic, olives, capers and diced basil


Combine for an amazing meal!  No pasta needed! 

I am thankful today that I figured this out.  I am challenged but I can and will prevail. A view from my patio encourages me.  We may watch the mighty force of winter roll in and see the oaks lose their  leaves, but we are surrounded by evergreens and I have never been so thankful for a cedar and a pine than ever before. 

Even with the tacky trailer to the left, I like the view!
My herb pot is still beautiful!

That's all ~ Thanks y'all!


  1. I was working over-thyme in my herb garden before deciding it was time to cummin (okay, herb humor just isn't worth the effort...)

  2. lol - I disagree - herb humor greatly appreciated!!


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