
This is a great site I think...

Chris or anyone who is experienced in weight loss, calorie counting and healthy life style - if you see this would you please look at this site and give an opinion? 

It looks right - but I would like a second opinion - I don't have the knowledge yet to be able to evaluate this...


Count your calories here and at the end of the day find out how you are doing on all your nutrients...what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know this site, but SparkPeople.com and that site is great. It helps in a couple of ways. Since you log in your food, you don't really have to obsess with the math--the site crunches teh numbers and portins and spits out the info.

    Then you get to see if what you're eating is nutritionally sound. One down side of calorie counting is that you can feel our calories with junk, but still meet you number goal. (uh-hmmm, if you check my food journal for today, you'll see that I know this from sad experience)

    Anyway, if this site is like SparkPeople, it's a very helpful tool.



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