
Actions Speak Louder Than Words and Feel Better Too

The greatest challenge of blogging for me is not coming up with things to write about. I almost always have something to say about something. The pitfall for me is to get to yacking about weight loss and being healthy and put the action on the back burner.  Not intentionally and sometimes not knowingly but it is a real threat.  Today I could have easily backed out of walking.  Its about 50 something degrees on the Cordova dog prairie but the wind chill was feeling like zero. 

I haven't been to yoga in about a month because we were in Arkansas, when we got back I was sick, this week has been about finding a job and being sad... so I have fallen off the yoga wagon.  I hate this.  When I don't have my weekly dose of yoga I get so off kilter. My lower back hurts, my knee hurts, my breathing sux and blah, blah, blah. All those things make walking a drudgery and make me feel like an old woman.

So we drudged through a 45 minute, two mile walk. It is very hilly and we have to stop often for the dogs or I would be able to shave a little time off that. But hey, my walk ap said I burned 255 calories so I'm pretty happy. And the main point is - we made it!  Against the wind, the pain, the gray cloud I've been under - we still made it! 

I was really not feeling it but I did it.  I realized that action is the only real voice the real me has.  Probably true of us all. The dreamer, the hoper, the wisher, the wanna be healthy me could live in the world of words forever and never change a thing (but she would get real bored).  The only thing that really gets me where I want to be is action.  In action is the honesty, the integrity, the proof of all I hope and dream about. 

Now, I also want to say one more thing to me and I want me to listen.  You did it.  Pat yourself on the back.  Take a moment and feel proud.  Appreciate the effort and let it draw you into the next effort. Be kind to yourself.  Be bold, be strong, be courageous! Live in action. Let it be your friend.  It is so much more satisfying than t.v. or Words With Friends or even Candy Crush. 

I love that old saying, Actions Speak Louder Than Words - I used to tell my girls that all the time. Especially in complex relationships - words can be so empty - but actions tell the story.  Actions have the power to change, transform, heal and promote a better me - for real.  And let's face it, words are awesome and they have their place but action makes us feel better than words ever could! 

That's all ~ Thanks y'all!

1 comment:

  1. You wanted to know if I'm selling the LOVE banners - I'll sell anything if someone wants to buy it! lol



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